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Resume & Interviews

What to include in your high school resume template?

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Tips for writing a high school resume

  • Customize your resume for every job

  • Proofread carefully

  • Review resume samples

  • Use numbers that quantify accomplishments

High School Resume Template Sample

Here is a high school resume template you can use to help create your own resume. Fill in the different sections with your own information.


[Phone number}


I am a motivated high school student seeking an opportunity to [enter what you're seeking] where I can apply my skills and further develop my passion for [industry].




[High school]
Graduation date: [date]
GPA: [include if strong]
Relevant coursework: [relevant classes you've taken]


Experiences & Activities


[Position title/leadership position]
[Company/Organization], [Dates]


  • Responsibility

  • Responsibility

  • Responsibility


[Position title/leadership position]
[Company/Organization], [Dates]


  • Responsibility

  • Responsibility

  • Responsibility


[Position title/leadership position]
[Company/Organization], [Dates]


  • Responsibility

  • Responsibility

  • Responsibility


Awards & Achievements






  • Skill

  • Skill

  • Skill

Cover Letter Help


Tips and Tricks for Successful Interviewing

Top 10 Interview Tips


Arrive for your interview about 15 minutes in advance


First impressions have a high impact


The receptionist, secretary or another staff member who greets you may not be your interviewer


Greet the interviewer with a firm but not crushing handshake


Turn your cell phone off


Exude energy, enthusiasm and a positive attitude at all times


Take inventory of your strengths prior to the interview

Be prepared to say why the job interests you



At the end of the interview, be prepared to ask a couple questions about the job


Follow-up with an email or letter after your interview can separate you from other candidates

Do's and Don'ts of Interviewing



  • Practice interviewing with a family member or friend

  • Arrange your transportation in advance to allow extra time to arrive

  • Dress appropriately

  • Show enthusiasm and interest, but not desperation

  • Look the interviewer in the eye, sit up right in your chair

  • Have confidence

  • Avoid one word answers, slang, and filler words "um", "like", and "you know"

  • Answer specific questions an employer asks

  • Be ready with information such as phone numbers of previous employers

  • Find out when you'll hear whether you got the job

  • Follow up with a thank you email or hand written letter

  • Check your online profiles (Twitters, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) to ensure they are appropriate if a college or business wants to access your information

  • Don't be late

  • Don't bring your ride to the interview. The company is hiring you, not your mother

  • Don't slouch, yawn, chew gum

  • Don't ask about other applicants

  • Don't criticize previous employers, teachers, etc.

  • Don't dress inappropriately

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