Maryland Virtual Learning Opportunities (MVLO)
Due to limited course offerings at the Virtual Academy, 10th-12th grade students can take advantage of the Maryland Virtual Learning Opportunities (MVLO) program, which offers asynchronous online courses for high school credit. Students are limited to take up to two MVLO classes per semester. When an AACPS student enrolls in an online course they are assigned an Online Support Teacher from their school who serves as a mentor to the student. Parents provide supervision and support by having an active role in their child's online experience.
MVLO classes offer opportunities to take Honors and AP courses not available at the Virtual Academy.
MVLO Academic Coach = Ms. Lupo
MVLO Academic Mentor = Teacher of the MVLO class
Students enrolled in an MVLO course can expect to:
Interact with the teacher, classmates, and instructional materials through online course tools such as e-mail, messaging, telephone, discussions, and webinars. 
Work independently through learning activities and seek help from the online teacher when needed.
Complete work by a scheduled time.
Communicate with their school-based coach at least once a week to review progress, access additional resources, communicate with the online teacher, and submit assignments. 
Will receive a final grade determined by the online teacher upon completion of all course requirements.
Please reach out to your student's High School Counselor for a list of possible courses.

Mrs. Milano VA HS Counselor
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